“We thank you towards the successful completion of Gas Suppression (NOVEC SYSTEM) & fire alarm system project valued at 68.38 Lakhs.”
“We would like to Place on record our appreciation for the Intech Fire & Security Team which includes Kailash, Vijay & Sanjay for their excellent response towards projects, maintenance and breakdown calls their strong commitment towards service and client satisfaction. The quality of their work has been very good and we look forward to working with this team again in the future. Thanking You.”!
“Dear Intech Fire & Security, we would like to place on record our appreciation for the Intech Fire & Security Team for their excellent response towards the successfully completion of Fire detection project work and their strong commitment towards service and client satisfaction.
The quality of their work has been very good and we look forward to working with this team again in the future. Thanking You.”
“We would like to express our satisfaction and appreciation for you & your team members regarding maintenance of Fire Detection System-Simplex 4100ES, Gas Suppression, Fire pump & PA system at our premises.
We appreciate the effort from your service/maintenance team member to meet the requirements & full completion of NFPA norms and technical specification during the entire maintenance works.
Your service team always showed positive attitude, dedication, quick response, perseverance service & support as per SLA towards Annual Maintenance Contract Fire Detection System-Simplex 4100ES, Gas Suppression, Fire pump & PA system were all system found working satisfactory.
We hereby mention our heartiest thanks and gratitude to Intech Fire & Security Pvt Ltd. for the way of customer support/service given. Thanks & Regards.”
“This refers to your services for maintaining fire detection system installed at our Hinjawadi facility. We also refer to your team members Mr. Umesh Suter and Mr. Dayanand Kumbhar who supported quick responses, timely repairs and regular preventive maintenance checks for all these equipment. With this we are pleased to inform you that we are satisfied with your services in the said areas.
We really appreciate your efforts and supped towards customer's demands which were fulfilled by your team. We expect similar support and services in future from you. Thanking You.”
1101, 11th floor Technocity
IT Premises co-op Society,
Sector X-5/3, TTC Industrial Area,
Mahape Navi Mumbai 400710
All Rights Reserved By Intech Fire & Security Pvt Ltd.